No one person has the perfect smile. Genetics, life circumstances, and even your diet play a role in the appearance of your smile. Many patients struggle with smiles that are less than satisfactory. That’s why our team at Weinberg Dentistry is pleased to offer treatments to enhance and transform your smile.
We love seeing our patients happy with their smiles. That’s why we offer a full range of cosmetic dentistry procedures designed to tackle individual issues and help you achieve the smile you’ve always wanted.
How To Get Your Dream Smile
Cosmetic dentistry refers to any procedure or treatment that improves the appearance of teeth, gums, and bite. Cosmetic treatments work to enhance dental aesthetics such as the size and shape of your teeth, the color of your teeth, and how straight and aligned your teeth are.
Cosmetic Enhancements
There are a lot of areas of the mouth that can be enhanced with cosmetic dentistry. As such, there are a number of cosmetic dentistry procedures that focus on these specific areas, including:
Teeth Whitening
Many people have discolored teeth. Your teeth are actually porous, meaning they’re full of microscopic holes. These holes allow substances past the outer layer of your teeth into the lower layers. If you’re consuming foods and beverages that are naturally very staining, your teeth are going to reflect that. Food and drink that can heavily stain your teeth include:
- Wine.
- Berries.
- Coffee.
- Soda.
- Fruit Juice.
- Curry.
- Soy Sauce.
Teeth whitening can combat natural tooth staining. The whitening agent in the treatment reacts with the oxygen molecules in your teeth. This reaction results in the discolored molecule bonds breaking. The result is a whiter, brighter smile.
Dental Veneers
Dental veneers are a great way to both enhance your smile and protect it. Veneers are made out of a thin layer of porcelain that is permanently attached to your front teeth. They are made individually for each tooth. The porcelain acts as a shield to protect your teeth from cracks, chips, or breaks. It also makes your teeth more uniform in shape and size.
Dental veneers will also permanently whiten your teeth because the porcelain layer will naturally be whiter and will not be affected by staining food or drink.
Dental Bonding
Dental bonding uses a unique dental resin material to fill in cracks, chips, or breaks in teeth. It can also fill in gaps between teeth. This form of cosmetic dentistry isn’t as permanent as other treatments but can correct minor issues for a time. Bonding can be implemented and touched up as regularly as you need.
Dental Crowns
Dental crowns are a great way to protect injured or diseased teeth from further problems. A crown is created specifically to cap or cover a weakened tooth. Sometimes dental crowns are put over teeth that are too small.
Whether the tooth in question is damaged or malformed, a dental crown can fix the problem. This cap will be created specifically to match the color of your existing teeth. Once placed, you won’t be able to tell the difference between it and your natural teeth.
Dental Implants
Dental implants are a cosmetic and restorative procedure designed to fill gaps in your smile left by missing teeth. Your dental implant will hold a dental prosthetic like a dental crown or bridge in place so that your existing teeth don’t shift around unnecessarily. Implants will look and function just like a real tooth.
Teeth Straightening
No one has a perfectly straight smile or perfectly aligned bite. Through teeth straightening treatments like braces or Invisalign clear aligners, we can correct any crookedness and alignment issues. Your teeth will be easier to care for and clean, and you’ll enjoy an elevated boost of confidence in your straightened smile.
Renovate Your Smile Today
Excited about the prospect of a new sparkling, straight, unified smile? We’re excited to give it to you! Just give Weinberg Dentistry a call today to get started.